Christelle Chopard is the Founder of the DHARMI® Method for holistic healing, development and stress management, and Yoga School (RYS-500). She also founded Yoga-Water. She is author, speaker and business owner.
An independent, authentic, adventurous and wise woman!
She is a seeker and pioneer. She explores not only new countries new cultures new traditions_ but also new ways, new paths and perspectives constantly.
Her quest for betterment and authenticity lead her to be a commited professional. She supports people to navigate life transitions with compassion confidence and clarity.
Self sufficient at an early age. Self-employed since she was 23 yo. She continues to improve her gift daily and use it professionally to open doors to people worldwide.
She is the founder of the DHARMI Method and of Yoga-Water. She is president and business owner of Life Creation Inc headquartered in Miami, FL.
As an author, her first publication was in a collaborative book in 2000 in Argentina. Christelle Chopard supports and inspires people to access their own truth, to develop their own potentials and to manifest their visions. She is a published author and wrote a trilogy -click here- where she introduces how to integrate natural laws in your everyday life.
Expert in holistic consulting, self- and professional-development and stress management.
Also, she is holistic therapist and certified yoga therapist C-IAYT.
Christelle Chopard is originally from Switzerland and is now based in Florida. She is an author, speaker, holistic therapist, qigong & yoga instructor.
The Method is based on the Five Elements and offer specific Maps to support the wellbeing and give tools for stress management, leadership, mindfulness to people and companies.
Christelle Chopard gives lectures and seminars for stress management and holistic wellness.
She began to practice holistic consulting, healing and coaching in 1991. She studied the Grinberg Method and other therapeutic methodologies, massages, meditation, nutrition and aromatherapy. When she opened her first practice in Switzerland, her services were partly covered by health insurance in the country.
In 1994 she chose to expand her knowledge and experience abroad, to gain more tools and wisdom to offer the community. She continued her studies, practices and experiences worldwide: one year around Asia, one year in Australia, one year in South America. Then, she created the DHARMI Method in 1998, in the South of the Andes.
She guides people through their process of evolution with harmony, dynamism and sensitivity. Her main gift is to clarify and guide you through the map from where you are (your actual potential) towards where your heart longs to be (your full potential). She has supported thousands of people in our community to connect the dots into their life, and to find a sense of integrity.
Christelle Chopard is also a successful entrepreneur. She has offered her services in many countries, forming a company with her own resources. She has been independent and self-sufficient since she was 18 years old. She has always followed a harmonious, balanced lifestyle and values for herself, as well as supported the community with devotion. She is a reflection of what she teaches.
Her adventurous nature, and skills as a connection coach invite everyone to accept fully who they are, with the responsibility that it involves. She supports people to access their potentials and channel their emotions creatively.
Christelle’s journey has been very unique so far, with her travel experiences through six continents. She has been following her vision, even when it involved traveling on her own in remote locations. Her main purpose in her travels is to follow her mission and connect with many cultures, traditions and healing modalities. So far she has taught and mentored people in more than twenty countries.
She offers training for DHARMI Facilitators and Holistic Consultants. Practitioners are now providing their services in Switzerland, Australia, Texas and Florida. Her intention is to continue to train more gifted people to support mindfulness and wellbeing in our community.
Some studies, research and practices that Christelle has explored so far:- Grinberg Method – Holistic Therapies & Consulting – Handwriting Analysis Expert – Masaru Emoto scientific research and understanding – Holistic Foot Analysis – Alternative Medicine/Therapy – Upledger Institute Craniosacral Therapy – Condor Blanco coaching – Shamanic Experiences – Landmark Forum – Freddy Koffman teachings, bringing Zen wisdom into successful businesses – Yoga – Qi Gong – Dance Therapy – Mandalas, Carl Jung, Flower of Life and Sacred Geometry – Leadership Coaching – Public Speaking
She is the Founder of DHARMI®, a clear methodology for holistic healing and self- professional-development based on the Five Elements. She teaches how nature’s wisdom supports your wellbeing and evolution.
As lead teacher and director of the Dharmi-Yoga School, RYS-500 accredited by Yoga Alliance. She trains yoga teachers through a holistic and integrative program.
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