Category: Connections_Frequency

Gift of Gratitude

Gratitude is a state of being. When we are thankful, we feel a vibration of relief and nurturing energy. Gratitude allows us to give, share, receive and embrace our experiences. For an integrative experience we can bring gratitude in all Five Elements. In the Earth Element, we remember to be grateful for the body and health we have. […]

A change of perspective leading towards healthier habits.

With life experiences, we notice that change is a constant factor and there are different ways to move through the cycles of impermanence. Yet we are also aware that some behavioral patterns are very difficult to change. How many times have you wished for making a change in your diet, in your routine and noticed […]

A Mindful Way to Travel

In this article Christelle Chopard is sharing insights from her own personal experiences traveling with mindfulness and purpose. She is an independent woman who has lived and work on six continents. With 25 years of experience in the field of holistic coaching and alternative medicine, she founded the DHARMI→ Method, a GPS for your life. […]

Mindfulness in cross-cultural communication

Five Key Elements for cross-cultural communication When we visit, work and/or move into another country, it requires attention to communicate clearly with the culture and the people you are relating with. For clear communication we cannot only take in consideration which language we speak, yet the culture, education, environment and community we live in and […]