
Aniwa Gathering

Aniwa Gathering

The Aniwa gathering in Massachusetts has been an enlightening experience. We shared experiences, teachings and ceremonies with the elders of forty tribes. When we get together, sharing wisdom and profound rituals we activate the vortex of energy of everyone who is participating. We are creating vortexes on all the sites we visit. When we do ceremonies honoring all five elements…

An Introduction to Shamanism

An Introduction to Shamanism

There are many different ways and lineages in shamanism. Here, I am sharing with you a glimpse of my learning experiences and perspective. Shamans are the people who use the forces of nature and universal alignments for healing purposes and ceremonies. We find shamans in most of the indigenous cultures, such as native american tribes (i.e. Aumatas, Mapuches, Lakotas, Hopis),…

Convention Condor Blanco – Enero 2019

Convention Condor Blanco – Enero 2019

En 1996 encontre un lugar sagrado en las montañas en el sur de la cordillera de los Andes. Vivi pour algunos años en el pie de una montaña inmersa en la naturaleza. Recibimos el agua pura del rio bajando con tanta pureza y abundancia. Es allí que descubrí a la organización Condor Blanco y al maestro Suryavan Solar. La escuela…

Nature’s guidance for manifestation

Nature’s guidance for manifestation

There are five main elements that function in your life and they affect five corresponding areas of your existence—your health, relationships, self-esteem, state of mind, and overall energetic fields. As a whole, they steer you towards developing clear values, living with integrity and clear intention. Also, they support you in experiencing harmony in all things. Aided by healthy, holistic lifestyles…