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Mindful Nutrition

MINDFUL NUTRITION Article published on JustBreathe Magazine by Christelle Chopard – Founder of the DHARMI® Method – based on the DHARMI® Method and the Five Elements. The quality of the food that you choose to nurture yourself, your family, friends and community makes a clear difference to your health and wellbeing. The level of acidity in your body is not…

Five Elements in Yoga – A Dharmic Perspective

Five Elements in Yoga – A Dharmic Perspective

It can be overwhelming to receive so much information about Yoga teachings and lifestyle advice and trying to integrate them all in our everyday life; plus, the fast rhythm in which our society is functioning is not very helpful either. However, it is crucial to understand that to fully benefit from the yogic practices and teachings, we cannot rush through…

Five Elements for Wellbeing

We are all unique yet so alike. Through life experiences as well as through my career, I have discovered many ways and different approaches for wellbeing. When I take an integrative perspective in this matter, I take in consideration Five Elements to support wellbeing in a dharmic way. Air Element: In this element I consider the psychological aspect. Your perspective towards life, others…

Mother Earth and the Elements

Life is like a pilgrimage, it is about the journey, the way we navigate life transitions, relationships, experiences. The month of May is a symbolic time for all Mothers, including Mother Earth. The role of a mother requires constant care, nurturing, healing, dedication and surrender. Mother’s Day is coming in a few days. A time to celebrate Life. There is no life…