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Intention and Connectedness 

Intention and Connectedness 

Life is a dance. We are all connected influencing each others in our movements, moods, motivations, and mindset.  We are all connected, may it be just by the fact that we live all together on earth at this time. We are all connected in our thoughts, in the air we breathe, in the water we drink, below the stars, sun…

5 steps in a Dharmic Meditation

5 steps in a Dharmic Meditation

Here’s a simple five-minute guided meditation focused on relaxation, the five elements and breath awareness. Five-Minute Guided Meditation for Relaxation 1. Get Comfortable (1 minute) – Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. – Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight but not rigid. – Place your hands gently on your lap or knees. – Close…

An Introduction to Shamanism

An Introduction to Shamanism

There are many different ways and lineages in shamanism. Here, I am sharing with you a glimpse of my learning experiences and perspective. Shamans are the people who use the forces of nature and universal alignments for healing purposes and ceremonies. We find shamans in most of the indigenous cultures, such as native american tribes (i.e. Aumatas, Mapuches, Lakotas, Hopis),…

Healing Summit 2019 in Portugal

Healing Summit 2019 in Portugal

As one of the published authors of Just Breathe Magazine, I am in direct connection with the Healing Hotels of the World. This organization brings together leaders, projects and hotels that are dedicated to healing modalities around the globe. Focusing not only on healing the physical body of the people but on a whole personal transformation integrating mindfulness for the…